Not a garden party!
The yurt is up. The booze is chillin', the corn is soaking and I'm getting anxious. Two more days until freedom.
First. The yurt. A thing of beauty. Once we got it set up. Seems that the yurt dude's help didn't show up (go figure) so he was trying to set up a 24' yurt with only one other dude. That's rather time-consuming.
So FINALLY about 1pm me, D, Mike, the yurt and the yurt man head back to camp to set up MY yurt. The door was a total BITCH. It took us an hour to get it framed. It won't take that long again - it was just because it was a new door frame and this was the first time it was completely put together.
Once the door was up raising the roof was easy. Then covering it wasn't a problem.
I'm just fascinated by this thing (in case you hadn't noticed). It's so simple and elegant - a thing of beauty and yet so damned sturdy and portable. It's like the ultimate cool thing. Portable, reliable, simple - it's quite impressive. The engineering design is wicked. And you can hang a hammock from the ring in the center and it will hold. It's that gravity/tension thing going on. Incredible.
And the design is like 2000 years old! Simply amazing. I'm in love with this yurt. With it's simplicity and ingenuity. LOL! Just like I'm in love with my blue dress when I dance because the way it moves.
I was seriously salivating at that 24' yurt. Talk about your party palace! We'd have that place ROCKIN'. Mmmmm.
Ah - anyway. Mass hysteria is still running rampant at work but I don't care. I'm leaving. They can just scream and cry at someone else. I'm tired of listening to it. Needless to say, I no longer answer the phone if it's an outside call. I know who it is, I know what they want and I don't want to hear it.
For some reason these idiots seem to think that *I* can *make* people *do* their jobs. Uh, no. You know that "ladder of success"? Well, I'm the DIRT that ladder sits on so you'd best be looking somewhere else for *make*.
What the hell these people think I can do is beyond me. They are higher up the food chain than I am. If they can't *make* an idiot do their jobs WTF makes them think *I* can *make* someone? Amazing.
Saddest of all is they won't go over anyone's head. Shit, I will. If write someone 3 times and they don't answer (or have an out of office auto reply) I keep going up the food chain until someone answers me. It usually doesn't take long. Maybe two layers up and suddenly there's all sorts of co-operation going on.
Maybe that's why they keep bugging me. They know I won't hesitate to bitch to a higher up. Well, I'm tired of doing everyone's dirty work. If they aren't willing to do it themselves then it must not be that important, huh? Yeah. STFU then.
Enough about that. I'll be gone soon. Free to roam about and skirmish Captain Morgan at will.
Somehow the tops of my feet got sunburned. Very odd. I had on shorts but my legs didn't get any sun. The tops of my feet are burned, tho. It looks really stupid. How that happened I don't know. My shoulders and chest got sun but there's none on my face or legs. Just my shoulders and the tops of my feet. I'm a freak!
When I finally leave to return I will be taking my clothes. Sad thing is my clothes will probably take up my entire vehicle. Hey, I loves my garb, dammit!
Mr. Wicked is pissed off at me. He's just split completely. I kinda wonder if he'll return. More than likely. But still. He's rather disgusted with the entire me-leaving-and-not-paying-any- attention-to-him thing. I think he'll survive, tho. He's had worse experiences. At least, according to him. I don't see how my leaving for a while could be so traumatic to him. He's just trying to make me feel guilty.
Well, I'm not buying it! We're all stocked up here. Go sell guilt somewhere else!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 7:16 PM
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