~What in the Hell?~

Thursday, January 27, 2005

~ You Can't Please Everyone ~

It would seem that several of my loyal readers are distressed by the turn of events in my one story. They have voiced their concern wondering why our heroine would fall for such a thing when she's smarter than that. And why would the lovely Mr. Parker's alter ego need to resort to such a thing? Can't she see that he wants in her pants?

Uhm, first of all, he's doing just because he can. He's a brat, plain and simple and likes to torture the poor girl. Second, she thinks he is torturing her because he DISLIKES her - not because he wants her. What sort of person would torture someone if they wanted in their pants? Doesn't make any sense to her.

Second of all, he tried to teach this trick to her current lover but he got all upset and mad about it. So Mr Evil wants her to know what she's been missing in the hopes that he can get BOTH of them! (Why settle for just one when you can have both, right? That's his thinking anyway. And he's got an enormous . . . .

EGO - Made you look! That just won't settle for anything less).

Third, trust me, my dears, Mr wicked isn't going to resort to this trick of his to get her in the end. No way would he EVER! His ego would not allow it. He wants to tame her on her own terms, not by subterfuge. If he took her by trickery, he would always wonder if she truly did desire him or if it were just his trickery that brought her to him. No, no, no!

Apparently I have not made his motivations and enormity of his ego clear enough. That would be my bad and I must fix this. He would never allow it! He wants to TAME her. He must TAME her outright and not by trickery. If not, there would always be that nagging doubt in his mind that she did not truly desire him and he would never be able to live with that.

Oh, my dear Mr. Parker, I fear I have failed you somewhat. I'm hoping this will all become clear to them in the end when all the fine threads of this tapestry are brought together and tied off in a nice little bow. It will all make sense in the end. And everyone will get what they want - in one way or the other. I promise.

That horrid creature would not let me rest if I didn't do his story justice. Trust me! He's been on my butt incessantly about his "big scene" as I explained earlier. Now he's brought even my loyal readers down on my head because of his vileness. And what's in it for me I ask you? Nada. Just a bit of praise for HIS story. The story HE is forcing me to write! It's all for him! It's all for you, dear readers! I'm pouring his guts out as he wants it and I have to live with HIM every day. You I can ignore most of the time.

But him! Gah! His whispers in the night, the sounds he makes when he wants my attention, the smell of him, the look in his eyes when I've not done something to exactly his liking. It's barbaric, I tell you and there is no escaping him! Which really wouldn't be half bad if he would just behave! But noooooo - that would be too easy and we can't have that. We must annoy everyone right up until they scream then we'll consider giving in.

The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 10:14 AM


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