My office mate. He's a decent enough guy, right? The problem? His freaking wife that calls incessantly every single hour. If he's not in (say he's in a meeting with his boss or at lunch) she bitches at him like he's supposed to sit at his desk and wait for her to call. Yeah, she supposedly has a job but I think it must be for the freakin' phone company because she's always calling.
If he is in one of the nearby offices and SHE calls - I'm supposed to go get him and tell him she's on the phone. Yeah. Needless to say I don't bother. She needs to get a grip.
Anyway - today's burning question - what was Captain Hooks name before the alligator ate his hand?
How is it that we can split an atom and yet cannot prevent the human body from producing copious amounts of snot? I mean, which is more life enhancing? Splitting an atom or freedom from excess snot? I'm leaning toward elimination of excess snot here, but I dunno about you.
Why is it that the dumbest people think they are so intelligent? And if you tell them how dumb they are, they accuse you of being "envious of their superior intellect." Riiiiiight.
Philosophy of the day "It's dangerous to be right when the government is wrong".
Today's sign of the Apocalypse? Pick one. Steven Segal gets a record deal. William Shatner releases a new CD. Lil' Kim (affectionately known as "lil' him") getting a "reality" show. People please! Isn't there enough pollution? (See me add to it).
OK so it's snowing today. Which would be ok if the freaking idiots knew how to drive. For whatever reason the people in this town are terrified of snow. They see one flake and slam on their brakes or creep along at a walk. I kid you not. God forbid that we actually get an accumulation of snow. Like 1/4" or something. People go nuts! Buying bread, milk, cigarettes and beer like it's doomsday or something and basically clog up the roads because they are too terrified to drive but they HAVE to get to the store. Freakin crazy morons!
The Rogue Goddess saw shadows dancing at 2:57 PM
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